The following are the Mahima Dharma doctrines: Monotheistic Doctrine Indeed, his efforts helped popularise the Manima Cult throughout Odisha. He died in 1895 in Sonepur’s Khariapali village. Among his immortal works are the ‘Stuti Chintamani’, the ‘Shrutinisedha Gita’, the ‘Brahmaniruoana Gita’, the ‘Adyantagita’, the ‘Chautisa Madhuchakra’, and the ‘Nirveda Sadhana’. Bhima was hell-bent on propagating the Mahima cult. Naturally, rival sects spoke ill of Bhima and attempted to stop the spread of the Mahima Cult. He composed numerous songs that were well-liked by the public, which drew them automatically to the Mahima Cult. Even so, it is certain that he spent considerable time in Joranda and attempted to popularise the Mahima Cult. It is unknown whether Bhima Bhoi stayed in Rairakhol or came to Joranda after becoming an Abadhut. Bhima gained insight or direct knowledge and was indoctrinated by Mahima Gosain after coming into contact with him.

However, historians disagree on this point. Dhaneswar Bhoi was his father, and Gauri was his mother. He was born in 1855 in Rairakhol as a member of the Kondh family. Mahima Dharma and Bhima Bhoiīhima Bhoi, the great saint, was instrumental in the spread of Mahima Dharma. Mahima Gosain’s disciples became known as Mahima monks Alekha sanyasi. Between 18, Mahima Dharma spread like wildfire throughout Odisha. He popularised the Mahima Cult through his great literary works such as Stuti Chintamani, Brahmanirupana Gita, Nirveda Sadhana, Chautisa Madhuchakra, Adyanta Gita, and Astakabihari Gita. Bhima Bhoi of Rairakhol became his disciple. Mahima Gosain initiated Govinda Das as his first disciple, and many others followed, including the great Biswanath Baba. The king of Dhenkanal, Bhagirathi Mahindra Bahadur, sent milk for him early in the morning. He was dressed in the bark of the Kumbhi tree. He was a resident of Udaygiri, Khandagiri, and Dhauli before settling in Kapilas in the Dhenkanal district. He discussed Non-Dualism with the Pandits of Mukti Mandapa inside the Jagannath temple and expressed his opposition to idol worship. Because he slept on sand, he was dubbed ‘Dhulia Gosain’. He arrived in Puri around 1826 and established Mahimabada from there. Mahima Swami or Mahima Gosain founded Mahima Dharma. Gradually, it spread to Bengal, Assam, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh through the efforts of the monks of this dharma. It was spread throughout Odisha thanks to the efforts of Bhima Bhoi, the blind poet. in the Hindu reform movement as a religion.

Mahima Dharma first appeared in the early nineteenth century. It advocated for the abolition of Saivism, Shaktism, Vaishnavism, and other Brahmanical religious sects. It projected numerous complicated theories via simple doctrines. It manifested in its own unique way in the form of Mahima Dharma in thought and expression. On the other hand, Odisha’s Renaissance was unique in that it grew out of a very rural environment that was uninfluenced by western education.

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